online web builder



The role of setting
Scene design
External device settings


The role of setting

We think about the relationship between people and technology in the future. Based on the development of science and technology, we have divided humans into several categories (just like the movie "Different"). And human beings must abandon the elements of body, appearance, etc. before they can enter the cloud society. 




The cyborg wants to embody this combination of man and machine, because some scientists predict that artificial intelligence will surpass human ingenuity in the future. The cyborg is the combination of the brain and the shape of the machine.



在世界高度全球化之后,不同人种均被同化 ,不同肤色融合到一起,种族特征逐渐消失。人类超越种族界限,相互之间关系越来越简单密切,这一趋势的不断加剧 , 最终导致单一人种的诞生。单一人形状类似细胞结构,外形不受局限,多变。

After the world has become highly globalized, different races have been assimilated, different skin colors have merged together, and ethnic characteristics have gradually disappeared. Human beings are beyond racial boundaries, and their relationship is becoming simpler and closer. This growing trend has finally led to the birth of a single race. The shape of a single person is similar to the structure of a cell, and its shape is not limited, and it is changeable.




Under the premise of breaking away from the physical body, the human image has a richer possibility, and may have a shape that expands its ability with a variety of media.
When the five senses are expanded, and the vision is not limited to the scope of both eyes, there are more possibilities for obtaining images.




The soft jellyfish is like a memory dream, here is the storage place of consciousness. Consciousness, memory, thinking can be uploaded to the cloud, no longer limited by the brain.


Scene design

This part is our data collection of the scene space. The VR image style we want to present is mainly a bright and natural large space.


Humans use science and technology to make use of nature, and the largest water source becomes our only use.


Technology is referred to as an ideology in this space, there is no actual shape, there will be clouds in the scene, want to dye visitors to use VR to be in the clouds. In this space, we want to experience the relatively harmonious human-computer interaction, embody the symbiosis between human and technology, and distinguish virtual reality.


According to the previous data analysis, technology refers to the powerful beam centered in this space, which can be in any form. The future will be dominated by humans and machines. Humans are entering the super era, relying on technology and getting rid of the shackles to become a creature in the "cloud". The boundary between virtual and reality begins to blur.


External device settings

In reality, the cold blue and purple color is the main color, which reflects the visual contrast between inside and outside. The external device also wants to think about the relationship between future people and technology, and human thought is confined in the virtual space.

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