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Interactive experiment



"See God When Man Looks Up" is an interactive device group formed by multiple similar devices. The single device in the group simulates the human individual who will achieve longevity in the future. The structure of a single device is mainly composed of a head carrying a display screen and a mechanical spine that resembles a human-shaped spine.

The interactive design part of the device is intended to be realized by identifying the audience at the scene and driving the spine to track the direction of the audience. Along with the previous design requirements, the drive of the device will use the camera module mounted on the head to identify the human body, and the spine movement will be realized through the drive system composed of the servo and the steel wire. The device obtains the face information of the live audience in real time through the camera module, and uses processing and openCV face recognition technology to pass the face information to the arduino driver board with a server to drive the device to simulate the location of the audience and interact with the audience.





The main body of the device is designed with humans as the prototype. According to human behavior patterns/habits, appropriate interaction methods are designed to drive the spine and head to simulate human behavior.The head and spine are indispensable parts of the human body. Through the analysis and redesign of the human body, the basic structure of future longevity people is taken from the human spine and head.The range of motion of the spine is divided into three segments: cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae, with different degrees of freedom in lateral flexion, rotation, flexion and extension.






The main body of the device is designed with humans as the prototype. According to human behavior patterns/habits, appropriate interaction methods are designed to drive the spine and head to simulate human behavior.The head and spine are indispensable parts of the human body. Through the analysis and redesign of the human body, the basic structure of future longevity people is taken from the human spine and head.The range of motion of the spine is divided into three segments: cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae, with different degrees of freedom in lateral flexion, rotation, flexion and extension.





The main body of the device is designed with humans as the prototype. According to human behavior patterns/habits, appropriate interaction methods are designed to drive the spine and head to simulate human behavior.The head and spine are indispensable parts of the human body. Through the analysis and redesign of the human body, the basic structure of future longevity people is taken from the human spine and head.The range of motion of the spine is divided into three segments: cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae, with different degrees of freedom in lateral flexion, rotation, flexion and extension.

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