Research preparation

Research implementation

Research feedback

Research summary





Game 1: 'Find the Difference'
As a game that introduces context, "Find the Difference" accomplishes the task well. Participants' evaluations were positive and negative, but from the feedback point of view, they basically quickly entered the context of the game. From the results, all players who touched people quickly found the materials that appeared on their partners that did not belong to the human body and its appendages, indicating that the human touch is more sensitive to the skin and related appendages.

Game 2: 'Manifesto of the Fifth Sense'
Most of the participants stated that “coloring can make people think and understand themselves” and also collected data on petting preferences. Using the transparent overlay of the layers, we get the average image of the coloring board. From the average picture, whether it is "want to be touched", "want to touch" or the general picture, it shows that people generally don't want to touch/be touched from head to toe. In addition, the game also found that the closer the relationship is, the more people like to be touched/touched, and the more body parts they can touch.

Game 3: 'Tactile Conjecture'
Judging from the performance of the game players in this round, most players can more accurately guess what the touched material is. This shows that even though they are common materials in daily contact with the skin, it is still easy to distinguish the difference between them and the skin-in terms of touch, the skin is still irreplaceable.
Game 4: 'The chemistry of Hugging'

From the first round to the last round, more players chose to team up with players other than their own partners. Judging from the game performance and the final feedback, after many rounds of huddling, players are more likely to embrace others than at the beginning, and most players feel more accustomed, happy and natural.

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