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基于记忆主题的 反思 | 批判 | 感情
Research Process
The Theme Of Memory
Reflection | Criticism | Feelings


During the initial investigation of jellyfish, a large number of documentaries described the basic situation of the reproduction and predation of jellyfish, but in recent years the documentary began to reflect the destruction of the ocean by humans and the impact of aquatic life. Among them, "Jellyfish Monster" .The breeding of Echizen jellyfish affects the lives of Japanese people. The fishery production has been greatly reduced due to the large number of jellyfish prey. The jellyfish that are mistakenly entered into the power plant make the local unable to supply electricity... This section gives me the relationship between people and the environment. Reflection. Gradually evolved into a description and re-examination of self-affection.

Observation Diary-Stage 1
Content Exploration

Jellyfish Memory


触碰 | Touch 

1、尝试ae制作海洋环境,c4d或ae制作水母与塑料袋。预想水母互相触碰,模拟水母游动的视角 。


1. Try ae to make marine environment, C4D or AE to make jellyfish and plastic bags. It is expected that jellyfish touch each other, simulating the jellyfish swimming perspective.
2. AE adds the special effect of jellyfish notes. Use the plot to narrate the new connection between man and jellyfish. (Perhaps a coherent story, from human aversion to the economic impact of large numbers of jellyfish, to new partnerships)

Questions and guidance: Find inspiration in many documentaries, try a variety of lens changes, without your own clear thinking, I hope to express your inner thoughts.


情景畅想 | Imagination


Primitive animals (jellyfish) with extremely strong life regeneration and the most intelligent human beings dominate the earth, a series of reflections triggered by scenarios adapted from reality.


1、旋转门曲面玻璃 2、折射的影子 3、透明质感重叠现象


Use jellyfish to express our true memories and feelings.

Find inspiration for expression:
1. Revolving door curved glass 2. Refracted shadow 3. Transparent texture overlapping phenomenon.

Questions and guidance: The lens screen should be clean, leaving the necessary things, try to think about the necessity of the existence of objects, and whether the content is in place. Try to use the images you shoot. The method of performance is single, and it does not jump out of the characteristics of the jellyfish itself. You need to try more.






The destruction of humans has caused the death of a large number of creatures. Nature has started self-regulation in an attempt to return to its original state. The jellyfish survives and grows with its original viability, becoming a marine overlord. Mankind faces the crisis of primitive creatures invading the land. When the inhabitants of the earth transformed into human beings and jellyfish, the primitive animals with extremely strong life regeneration and the most intelligent human beings lived a series of thoughts.

Jellyfish flood and enter the human world, involving sewers, hydroelectric power stations, fisheries, and air routes. Humans negotiate with jellyfish (jellyfish represent nature), and finally humans use technology to create new cooperative relationships with jellyfish.

The gap of wisdom between living things makes humans over-develop. In the process of fighting with jellyfish, people gradually redefine their own existence, realizing that the prosperous population alone makes the earth’s ecology seriously dysfunctional. Technology is no longer to facilitate people’s lives to satisfy human laziness, but to help rescue the deeply persecuted. Inhabitants of the earth.





GPS (垃圾、黑匣子、遗存生物的定位与定点回收)—协助人们对海洋生态恢复的工作






Lower jellyfish

Insert the DNA of the deceased animal into the jellyfish hydra, store and nourish it in the ocean, waiting for ecological restoration.

Weak current supply of jellyfish

Luminous jellyfish on duty for night lighting

GPS (positioning and fixed-point recycling of garbage, black boxes, and remaining organisms)-assist people in the restoration of marine ecology.

Higher jellyfish

Memory jellyfish :Assist people to remember, record and present.

Healing jellyfish: the frequency of brain waves, into the emotional network of the human brain, translating the fantasy of the patient.

Housekeeper jellyfish:  a child's personal elf, for help, guidance, companionship.

In order to better integrate jellyfish and humans, the human world is no longer the original appearance, no longer just to facilitate human activities, but more to share space.





Has been presented:

things gradually accumulate and gather, resulting in feelings of sorrow. The constant erosion of time, the silent oblivion, makes the memory trivial, and whether the feelings begin to blur. The experience is real, and everything in front of me seems like nothing has happened. I can't be more specific about which details they merged into the constant current of the past, so I can only glimpse the sparkling water.

Not presented:

(Maybe one day, the things in front of me will evoke the memories of the past, and we will feel the emotions. The original one is like this. The past and the future, the original expectations and reality are constantly changing, it is not in the original concept. , And under our control, perhaps, the road that was once envisaged is just around the corner, but there is no choice...)



The sitcom about the fact that jellyfish is proliferating is a reflection on the relationship between the self and other creatures as the human influence prompts nature to try to return to its primitive state, when the lowest-class creatures disrupt human life.




I often look back at my memory of mapping myself and others, but they are always vague and mixed with older memories. Often any details can not think of, only remember the end of the matter left you taste.




Trivial memories shape the image of others in our hearts, and when what we know is incomplete, our own understanding is different from the truth.


Observation Diary-Stage 2
Formal Exploration


In the second stage, I tried irregular collages, random puzzles, and dramatic performances. Cut portraits in newspapers and magazines, collect various objects, and later use photographic paper to print the collected special images to enhance the content. In the end, I chose to use life sentences with emotions combined with symbolic jigsaw images to express the non-reproducible memories in a jigsaw way, telling a story of my emotional changes and describing complex emotions that are difficult to express.


Plot performance


Random puzzle


Irregular collage



During the implementation of the jigsaw puzzle, I stumbled upon the arrangement of computer pictures to reconstruct the split screen into distorted images, and then tried patterns such as text, portraits, and geometry.

In order to use the file name as part of the theme, and around the theme of invisible portraits, I treat each picture as an ordinary day, let them reorganize and change the image to show our appearance, to express our daily. A little change affects our future appearance, and reminds ourselves to grasp every day, they will be recorded in portraits that we cannot see.

在Suhee老师分享的案例中,让我印象深刻的是艺术家Georges Rousse ,他在现实中重现ps中轻而易举就能得到的效果,结果可能相同,但它的过程是创新的。这个文件夹重组图像的案例启发于他的创作,让鼠标滑轮改变动效,重新排布的图片位置让文字变形,这样可以达到视频制作中转场过渡的效果。

 In the case shared by Ms. Suhee, what impressed me is the artist Georges Rousse, who reproduced the effect that can be easily obtained in ps in reality. The result may be the same, but its process is innovative. The case of reorganizing images in this folder inspired his creation, allowing the mouse wheel to change the motion effect, and re-arranging the image position to deform the text, which can achieve the effect of transition in video production.
