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Do you want to enter the cloud world?

Do you want to be such a Cloud Creature?


This video outlines the prototype of the work. The video presents the content from character setting to scene setting.

"Cloud" refers to the virtual society brought by technology ,
"Creature" is the product of human evolution in the technological world.

我们对未来世界中的人机结合 “生物”和当下的社会境遇进行思考,人类在进入超时代时,会依赖科技且摆脱束缚成为一个存在于“云端”的生物。
We think about the human-machine combination of "Creature" and the current social situation in the future world. When human beings enter the super era, they will rely on technology and get rid of the shackles to become a creature in the "Cloud".

© Copyright 2020 CLOUD CREATURES  - China academy of art SHNAGHAI INSTITUTE of DESIGN - All Rights Reserved