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Persona   model

Story scene drawing


Act one

Her alcoholic father and cowardly mother, ying'e's childhood was not complete. The mirror and books were also thrown to the ground by her father. After being beaten, she tore off the wings of the butterfly and felt that she was not so small and weak.


Act two

Ying'e worked hard at her master's house and finally bought a beautiful dress. On her way home, ying'e met a swamp. In all desperation, she dropped the bread she was carrying so that she could walk through the swamp smoothly.


Act Three:

After sinking into the swamp, ying'e was caught by a swamp Witch and turned into a statue. She was punished. The witch offered to exchange her beautiful appearance for freedom, but ying'e didn't want to.


Act four:

At this time, ying'e heard her mother worried about her cry, she finally woke up, gave up the beauty that made her feel heavy burden, she became a bird, flew back to her mother's side. She wanted to leave with her mother, but Human's body was too heavy to fly freely in the air.