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Analysis of the original script


In Andersen‘s fairy tale the little girl on the bread, Ingel is a beautiful, but very vain and proud girl. She likes to bully insects and string beetles and beetles together with a needle for fun. Because her family was poor, when Ingel grew up, her mother sent her to the rich family to be a servant. Ingel’s host family is very good to her, she dressed up, which makes Ingel feel more extraordinary. Soon after, Ingel came home and met a swamp on his way, for fear of soiling her own beautiful clothes, Ingel threw her bread into the swamp and wanted to step on it. But something terrible happened, and Ingel sank into the swamp. She went to the palace of a swamp witch like hell, she was turned into a stone statue. After being punished, Ingel finally repents and becomes a bird. She redeems herself by collecting crumbs. In the process of creating the little girl on the bread, Andersen was influenced by the folk oral literature, and the fairy tale had a strong religious color. Ingel is not a real image of a little girl, but exists for the purpose of “educating children not to be vain, proud and waste food”. If we go to analyze Ingel‘ s behavior motivation, to understand her life experience carefully, then her vanity and beauty, her waste of food behavior, is no longer one-sided?

Adapted version


根据以上的思考,我们将《踩面包的小女孩》进行了改编,弱化了原作中的宗教教化作用,将她放在了中国古代的环境下,对她的家庭环境进行深入塑造,重新给予了“英娥”这一中国名字。小英娥出生在一个重男轻女的农民家庭里,父亲整日吃喝嫖赌,醉了酒还会对小英娥又打又骂,母亲体弱多病,想要阻止也有心无力。每每被父亲打骂之后,小英娥就会在门口的草地里抓虫子,她拔下苍蝇的翅膀,以此来宽慰自己,想要证明自己也不是那么弱小、那么容易受人欺负。小英娥长大后,母亲送她去了富人家里做帮工,英娥每日起早贪黑干活,发了月钱就寄回家里给母亲。英娥只有一个愿望,就是攒钱买一件漂亮衣服。如果村里的人看到她这样光彩照人,那就再也没有人敢欺负她,再也没有人敢瞧不起她了!也可以让妈妈放心,自已一个人在外面也可以过得很好。英娥攒了许久的钱,终于买了一件漂亮的衣服。她穿着漂亮的衣服回到家,但在路上被一片大沼泽地困住了,附近也没有树枝、藤蔓可以垫脚,于是英娥把随身带着的馒头丢到了沼泽地里。可怕的事情发生了,英娥陷了进去。她来到了沼泽巫女所在的地狱宫殿,为着她浪费面包和伤害昆虫的罪受尽了惩罚,沼泽巫女羡慕英娥的美貌,想要据为己有,她提出:如果英娥放弃她的容貌,她就能离开这里回到妈妈身边去。英娥不愿意,就在这时,她听见了妈妈的哭泣——由于自己被困在这里太久,家里已经很久没有收到英娥寄来的钱了。父亲又开始打骂母亲,小英娥感到难过,她认识到这美丽的身体并没有带给她幸福的生活,而是一再束缚着她。女性的身份犹如原罪,这阴影笼罩着她的童年,在她长大之后又赋予了她对物欲的渴望,自己的那一点点虚荣,最终让自己落入了这样的地步:掉入沼泽,变成雕像。英娥决定放弃这份让她负担沉重的美貌,于是她变成了一只洁白的鸟儿,飞到了母亲的身边,希望母亲和她一起离去,一起脱离世俗的苦难。 可是人的身体过于沉重,无法在空中自由翱翔。 

According to the above thinking, we adapted the little girl stepping on bread, weakened the religious role of the original work, put her in the ancient Chinese environment, deeply shaped her family environment, and gave the Chinese name "ying'e" again.Ying'e was born in a patriarchal peasant family. Her father ate, drank, played and gambled all day long. When he was drunk, he would beat and scold her. Her mother was weak and sick, and she was unable to stop him.After being beaten and scolded by her father, Ying'e would catch insects in the grass at the door. She would pull off the wings of the flies to comfort herself, trying to prove that she was not so weak and easy to be bullied.When ying'e grew up, her mother sent her to the rich man's house to be a servant. Ying'e worked in the morning and night everyday, and sent her monthly money home to her mother.Ying'e had only one wish, that is, to save money to buy a beautiful dress.If the people in the village see her so radiant, then no one dares to bully her, no one dares to look down on her! Also can let mother rest assured, oneself a person in the outside also can lead very well.Ying'e saved a long time and finally bought a beautiful dress.She came home in beautiful clothes, but she was trapped in a big swamp on the way, and there were no branches or vines nearby to put her feet on. So ying'e threw her steamed bread into the swamp.Something terrible happened and ying'e fell in.She came to the hell palace where the swamp woman lived and was punished for wasting bread and injuring insects. The swamp woman admired ying'e's beauty and wanted to take it for herself,She suggested that if ying'e gave up her looks, she could leave here and go back to her mother. Ying‘e didn't want to,just then, she heard her mother cry - because she had been trapped here for too long, the family had not received the money from ying'e for a long time.Her father began to beat and scold her mother again. Xiao ying'e felt sad. She realized that this beautiful body did not bring her a happy life, but bound her again and again.The female identity is like the original sin, which shrouds her childhood. After she grows up, she is endowed with the desire for material things. Her little vanity finally makes her fall into such a situation: fall into the swamp and become a statue.Ying'e decided to give up the beauty that made her feel heavy burden, so she became a white bird and flew to her mother's side, hoping that her mother would leave with her and get rid of the secular suffering together.But the human body is too heavy to fly freely in the air.